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Lego Extreme Track section

Kudos Walk Kudos Walk

Fo sho, this is one nice Lego. Real challenging AI, and good looking textures make driving a blast.

length: 748 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 1036 k

Space Station Space Station

Space! WOOHOO! Lights, Lasers and all the good stuff, yey. Legoish layout, as one would expect from an all-out Lego track.

length: 991 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 761 k

Lego X Lego X

A fun track which really only uses the lego tiles for some kind of visual borders for racing. Very Lego, and very extreme as far as feeling goes.

length: 430 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 760 k

Delacs GP Delacs Grand Prix

The second all-scaled track by us which makes for a fun driving which is a great variation to normal Lego tracks.

length: 825 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 606 k

Grass Bridge Grass Bridge

A quite short but very fun track with serious surface properties and a bridge glued all over the track. Very fun!

length: 562 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 511 k

Scaled Canyon Scaled Canyon

The 3rd scaled Track we release, but this time it's basically the walls that were modded to get this canyon-like feel. Quite funny to drive.

length: 888 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 375 k

All Scaled All Scaled

Another scaled track, but this one is scaled on all three axis', which means that the corner driving techniques you have for Legos, mean nothing on this track.

length: 386 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 382 k

El Dorado Pt.II El Dorado Pt.II

The remake of El Dorado has improved in texture quality. The layout is faster, but still challenging. Concerning mood, it's nearly the same.

length: 1035 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 955 k

Scaled Hillz Scaled Hillz

This one would be Lego if we hadn't used srmalloy's wscale on it. It's a lot more fun this and truly great to race in multi and on your own.

length: 814 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 977 k

El Dorado El Dorado

This track really lets you feel in an Aztec world with all the pyramids, palmtrees and stuff. It's the longest layout but never gets boring with all those tight sections.

length: 1087 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 1254 k

Minora Kalita Minora Kalita

This uses again textures made by Spaceman. It has a bit eyecandy and a whole lot of good layout which can be quite challenging if you dont know the track.

length: 927 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 873 k

Similiar Similiar

The first track we released has some good looking textures and a very fun layout with a lot of weird jump and corner combos.

length: 830 m
install in: Re-Volt root directory
file size: 671 k